London Forces Dependence On Distance

While the london dispersion force between individual atoms and molecules is quite weak and decreases quickly with separation r like in condensed matter liquids and solids the effect is cumulative over the volume of materials or within and between organic molecules such that london dispersion forces can be quite strong in bulk solid and liquids and decays much more slowly with distance.
London forces dependence on distance. Dispersion forces depend on distance. Even though vdw interactions are electrostatic in nature their distance dependence is 1 r6. Larger molecules are farther apart and so the forces. Casimir and polder soon thereafter explained with quantum electrodynamics qed that the dependence should be 1 at relatively long distances.
London force inverse cube of distance i think means an ion dipole interaction since we know force due to a dipole on a charge is inversely proportional to the cube of distance. The origin of van der waals dispersion forces. These are in general distance dependent interactions with the energies being inversely proportional to the distance r or to some power n of the distance r 2 r 3 r n separating the. Attractions are electrical.
If you absolutely have to see the derivation you can see it on pages 452 in ken dill s molecular driving forces. Also in 1948 verwey and overbeek demonstrated experimentally that the london dispersion interaction is even weaker than 1 at long distance say hundreds of angstroms or more. Dispersion forces one of the two types of van der waals force we are dealing with on this page are also known as london forces named after fritz london who first suggested how they might arise. Van der waals forces.
The induced dipole induced dipole interactions are also called attractive london dispersion forces and are among the weakest ones.